Billy, that's a spot-on observation ... a truly underappreciated post, I agree.
Room 215
JoinedPosts by Room 215
The Flying Spaghetti Monster's The Eight "I'd Really Rather You Didn'ts"
by schnare ini just found this kind of funny and wanted to share them.
apparently there is even a flying spaghetti monster bible.. .
1. i'd really rather you didn't act like a sanctimonious holier-than-thou *** when describing my noodly goodness.
A Chicken Story, by Anthony Morris the Third
by cedars in
Room 215
So, 19 chickens died while they were away to the DC? Sounds like an actionable case of animal cruelty to me. Whatever happened to man's mandate for dominion over the lower animals?
We are "On the doorstep of the New World" (Awake!)
by Splash inanyone see that quote in the latest magazine?.
in full it says:.
"since the things are happening today that jesus told us about, we know that we are right at the very doorstep of the new world, the world to come.
Room 215
Hey Irondork, there's attribution of the article to F. Franz? Interesting
Former COs that Become Inactive
by Bob_NC insome long years ago a circuit overseer told me that the area he was from had several former cos that had "left the road" as they call it and were just sitting on their laurels.
he said that they don't pioneer and some were irregular publishers.
a different co made a remark to the effect of "you think that servants or pioneers live a restricted life, cos are under the supervision of the service dept.
Room 215
Even among those who "stay the course" while harboring misgivings, one wonders whether they regret how they've spent their lives and feel trapped by the folly of their youthful decisions.
Comparing GB to the past leaders.
by punkofnice incharlie rissole had some weird ideas that were probably about par for the course in his day.. rutherford was a bullying propagandist.. knorr was a business man that spouted crap.. f franz was a crackpot theologian.. what of the gb today.
are they any different to previous cult leaders?.
yes, i can see they are self agrandising despots full of their own importance.
Room 215
Rutherford was a conniving scoundrel, but also a spellbinding orator; Franz was an eccentric, wild-eyed screecher, but a writer with an extraordinary flair for imagery; neither of these two guys, nor Knorr, had an aversion to publicity or to cultivating a colorful public persona.
The current lot come across as a singularly unimpressive, reclusive, unremarkable collection of nonentities, intellectual lightweights; mediocrities.
Religiously Motivated Child-Abuse Cover-Up Enrages Citizenry: Sound Familiar?
by Room 215 inseem familar?
child abuse cover-up by insular religious community enrages citizenry of lakewood, nj:.
Room 215
A scary parallel to JW child abuse policies.
Historical Development of the Jesus/Michael Doctrine
by moggy lover ini have a question about the historical development of the doctrine currently held by the watchtower, specifically about jesus being michael.
i am not interested in a polemic about whether jesus is or is not michael, but rather in how this teaching evolved in the historical development of the watchtower movement.
for instance we know that at least as far back as november 1879, page 4, [reprints page 48] the watchtower was teaching a doctrine contrary to what it currently teaches:.
Room 215
In fairness, and with no particular opinion on the merits of the JW claim, their position on the Michael/Jesus issue is not an unreasonable one, given the paucity of detail in the scriptures.
Religiously Motivated Child-Abuse Cover-Up Enrages Citizenry: Sound Familiar?
by Room 215 inseem familar?
child abuse cover-up by insular religious community enrages citizenry of lakewood, nj:.
Room 215
Seem familar? Child abuse cover-up by insular religious community enrages citizenry of Lakewood, NJ:
Candace Conti News links
by Julia Orwell ini was really bold and put one up on my facebook page..
Room 215
Good work, Julia! It's not old news to those who've never seen it, as your experience demonstrates.
United Nations General Assembly Report on Objection to Military Service by Jehovah's Witnesses and others | June 3, 2013
by jwleaks injw leaks has published the june 3, 2013, united nations general assembly analytical report on conscientious objection to military service.. page 3, paragraph 4, of the report states:.
"the following non-governmental organizations responded: the associazione comunita papa giovanni xxiii, the centre for civil and political rights, the european bureau for conscientious objection, the european organisation of military associations, forum 18 news service, the german institute for human rights, human rights watch, the international fellowship of reconciliation, jehovahs witnesses, the quaker united nations office, the russian ngo soldiers mothers of st. petersburg, the union of conscientious objectors, and war resisters international.".
this 17 page report deals substantially with jehovah's witnesses.. .
Room 215
The Watchtower is de facto an NGO or "Non Governmnetal Orgaization." It's not its NGO status per se, but rather its application for recognition and membership on the list of approved NGOs to the UN that was the source of the scandal.